All of our dogs have been vet checked, spayed or neutered, are up to date on all shots, and current on heartworm and flea/tick preventatives. If they are over 6 months of age they have been tested for heartworms. Our cats are also vetted and up to date on all shots, and neutered or spayed if age size appropriate. Adoption fees vary depending upon each animal and can range from $75.00 to $400.00, depending upon what we have into them.
Please contact your veterinarian to give them the okay to release information to us.
Once you have completed the adoption application, and are approved, there is a contract that you will sign agreeing to terms of the adoption. VET REFERENCES ARE REQUIRED FOR ANY OUT OF STATE ADOPTIONS. If you do not live in the state of Delaware and do not have a previous vet history we cannot and will not be able to approve you for adoption. The only way we will adopt out of state is by getting a vet reference on current or previous pets. Our goal is to find the right homes for the pets in our care.
Are you ready to apply to adopt? Please read over the information below first and then complete the application found here.
- We are an all-volunteer organization with no administrative staff. Incorrect or incomplete applications can cause delays in processing.
- In order to be approved for adoption all pets in the home MUST be spayed and/or neutere.
- When doing a vet reference check we will be looking for the following....All pets kept up to date on vaccines, spay/neuter and preventatives being purchased on a regular basis.
- Please ensure that you are giving us the correct veterinarian name and contact information.
- We will need the correct name on your account that the records will be listed under.
- Once you have completed the form, kindly double-check it before submitting.
- There is a space for comments at the bottom of the page should you need to add any notes.
- Please be patient as it may take a few days for us to contact you.
- If you have questions, email us at
PLEASE NOTE: We do not have a facility for visitation as many of our animals are in foster homes. This means we will need to make an appointment with you as we are very busy caring for the animals each day. We first need the application to be processed and then we will gladly set up a time for you to come and meet the pets.

Thank you for thinking adoption!
Sussex County Animal Association/Whimsical Animal Rescue (SCAAWAR)